On Monday my friend and I set out on a backpacking trek with the intention of camping at a beautiful lake, marked on the map about 3 miles in from the trail head.
While, (isn’t life just like this) the lake wasn’t there, or anywhere for that matter. After good naturedly wandering over the whole general area, down one path until it ended, then back tracking and heading down the other, circling around and finding ourselves back where we started, I begin to feel like I had gone down the rabbit hole. I laughed and laughed and we hiked another mile to another lake that did exist!
Now how can this be? How can a lake appear randomly on the map with a name and everything, and yet not exist. Or even stranger, disappear into thin air from the land, if it HAD been there when the map was made. Was this some kind of strange freaky human error? Well, when we got back to the car I thought I should check on MY map, and sure enough, their was the cute little non existent lake marked on a totally different map.
Anyway, a sore but happy 5 miles later, we dined on boxed Indian cuisine and chatted by a campfire, non the worse for wear.
I have to say that a nice juxtaposition to all of this was returning home-showering and changing into a luxurious and slightly fancy outfit and practicing a Vivaldi concerto. I know what he is going to do, he is totally predictable, but in a good way, and pretty much the lake will be exactly where he had marked it, musically speaking of course. Sparkling notes tumbled out of my cello, crisp and sweet and predictable.
Sometimes it is wonderful to have adventures, and sometimes having every note and bow stroke in order feels magical.